Hi There!
I've been feeling a little bit down over the last few weeks, well if a little bit was measured on a scale of crap to catastrophically awful - it would be somewhere pretty close to awful.
There are literally hundreds of websites on the net that try and offer help and advice on how to feel better, but in all honesty if you keep reading the opinions of others, you will eventually lose your own. The best advice anyone ever gave me was "find what works for you". It's a simple concept isn't it - listen to your body and your mind, if it makes you feel better and your wellbeing improves, keep doing it.
Hi There!
My week has been ridiculously busy at work - same amount of work, but one less day to do it in! Which has inspired my blog this week. In this busy life we sometimes forget to look after our own wellbeing, sometimes, just sometimes in this world of phones, tablets, internet and video games its just nice to sit back, relax and do nothing in particular. A time when we can rest our brains and just switch off for a while.
Hi There!
Today's blog is all about quotes which are emotive to me. I am happiest when I am reading or, more recently, when I am writing. I love how powerful words are, they can make you feel a whole range of emotions, sometimes touching you right to the heart.